###################################################### # Form Mailer INSTALL GUIDE # # Copyright 2000 Shawn Ewald ###################################################### SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS =================== In order to use Form Mailer, you will need the following things: 1) A current version of Perl 5. 2) The following perl modules: Net::SMTP, CGI::Carp (If you don't know how to install Perl modules, type "perldoc CPAN" at your command prompt for instructions). 3) A web server that supports CGI scripts. 4) An SMTP Server. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ========================= 1) Place the module Form_Mailer.pm in a place where Perl can find it. Suggested Locations: your site_perl directory (i.e. /usr/lib/perl/site_perl/) or in the same directory that the script that uses it is located. 2) If you plan on just using the formmailer.pl script, please edit the variables to reflect the correct information for your webserver and mailserver. You should be ready to run Form Mailer now. For instructions on how to use Form Mailer, please review the README File that came with this software.